- PhD in theoretical astrophysics (Dr. rer. nat.), Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany
- Thesis title: "Statistical modelling of resolved debris discs" (Funded by DFG Kr 2164/10-1)
- Supervisor: Professor Alexander V. Krivov
- Brief synopsis of research: The SEDs of a sample of 39 Herschel-resolved debris discs were fitted with a newly implemented simulated annealing tool. It was the largest sample of
resolved discs analysed so far. By inferring the disc radii from resolved images, the degeneracy between radial and grain parameters could be broken. Several dust materials were used for
fitting, as well as different fitting models (modified blackbody, size distribution). The fitting results, such as minimum grain size and disc temperature of the cold dust components,
were analysed statistically and several correlations between the stellar and fitting parameters could be found. One of the strongest correlations was the minimum to blowout grain size
ratio as a function of stellar luminosity. In order to explain this trend, different possibilities were investigated, such as varying the dust material, analysing outliers and subsamples
or taking the role of the surface energy or of the stirring level into account. In addition, the correlation found between disc to blackbody radius and stellar luminosity was applied to
unresolved discs helping to infer the radii of unresolved discs.
10/2014 – 03/2015: Teaching in seminar “Introduction to radio astronomy”, FSU Jena
04/2013 – 09/2014: Teaching in basic lab courses, Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, FSU Jena
10/2012 – 09/2016: Research assistant, Astrophysical Institute and University Observatory, FSU Jena