An dieser Stelle möchte ich versuchen, einer breiten Öffentlichkeit astronomische Zusammenhänge so einfach wie möglich zu erklären.
Sollte es Fragen oder Anregungen zu einem bestimmten Thema geben, würde ich mich über eine Anfrage per E-Mail freuen. Ich bin auch gerne bereit, Vorträge für alles Altersgruppen vor Ort zu halten - sowohl in Deutsch als auch Englisch.
On this page I present some videos of my public talks where I try to explain the results of astronomical studies hopefully easyly understandable.
If you have any questions or suggestions to certain topics, I am happy to answer your e-mails. I am also happy to give all-age talks on site either in German or English.
Did you know that the structure of our Asteroid Belt is following a musical scale?
The gaps in the belt named after the Astronomer Kirkwood are spaced similarly as musical intervals.
If you want to know more about that, watch my talk here.
In this talk I explain what astronomers think the star of Bethlehem could have been. This talk is suitable for all ages.
This is another talk from the weekly astronomy session for children of the University of Cambridge during lockdown.
Learn how important light is for astronomers! This talk is suitable for all ages.
If you want a version for an older audience please watch the following version filmed during the first public open evening of the IoA Cambridge after the lockdown.
The University of Cambridge is hosting the weekly astronomy session for children via YouTube during lockdown.
Learn something about asteroids around other stars! This talk is suitable for all ages.
In this talk I explain the connection between the motion of the planets in our Solar system and basic music theory. You would be surprised how musical our Solar system actually is! This talk is suitable for an older audience.